Monday, March 17, 2008

Horton Hears A Who

The LIFE message about Horton Hears a Who and the Red LIFE tape was preached & prophesied at the Hollywood opening!! (I have this gut feeling it was my friend Eddie from California :)

This movie is a prophetic word right from God's heart. The pro-life message has been hindered mainly by one reason, not reaching the children.

One of the main ways to change the culture of a nation is to teach the children your ideas. We have tried to battle the adults with opposing views instead of seeking ways to get the LIFE message to the children. Once they are taught an idea then a whole generation or culture will believe it.

But through night and day prayer and fasting God released His own ideas about how to end abortion. I was there as a pioneering member of the Justice House of Prayer in DC when Lou gathered us in the room and told us about the "Who" dream and email. I remember Lou saying, "You might think this is a pizza dream (like a joke or something) but I think it is the most vunerable part of God's heart daring us to believe like a little kid (which the dream was given to a 15 year old) that HE could take a children's story to help end abortion and change the thinking of a whole generation. Yes we want abortion to end but what's most important is for there to be a culture of LIFE! To read the full story plus the updated version related to the release of the movie click here: Horton gets a clue

I remember us praying over that dream in the JHOP prayer room for quite a while, in fact that dream stuck with us all and has been a prayer point ever since. Because it is an arrow from the heart of the Lord to be shot through prayer into the heart of His enemies (death culture of America). As Lou always taught us, strike the arrows (prayer points) and keep on striking them, until we get a full victory. We prayed for the Horton story to be spread all over America. I remember us praying for it to become a movie more than once, and remember this was back in early 2005. There was no talk of this in Hollywood, except maybe an idea or desire in a director's head.

But when God's people pray what He shows them to pray, no matter how corny or even cute, He will breath on it and do amazing things, yes way above what we think or imagine.

At Titan stadium in Nashville on 7.7.7 as Lou told the Horton story on God TV, I remember just sitting there weeping because God heard a bunch of ragamuffin kids in a hidden room in one of the most powerful cities on the earth praying dorky little prayers about a "pizza dream" and now that story was being broadcast to hundreds of nations on God TV plus on the webcast to thousands more homes. I was humbled by the fact that God really moves on behalf of those who lift up a voice for the voiceless.

Now the movie is here, let's mobilize God's Army (the little kids who know the truth) and let them sing it, yell it, preach it, teach it, etc. WARNING this movie is anointed and will stir your heart. You will want to preach right there in the movie theater as some already have!

I have much to write about this movie and this next season in America. Next up is a story of a baby saved the first night of the film in Nebraska. She hadn't even seen it yet, she was just told about it and began to weep decide against keeping her abortion clinic less than 48 hours from that moment (to be continued).

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Loughry

Feb. 23rd, 2008

Austin, Texas