Thursday, April 12, 2007

Back from Orlando

I got back from my trip to O-town. I was privileged to speak to the Remnant youth group. This is no ordinary church youth group. But this is the army of God being formed right before are very eyes. They are hungry for Jesus and nothing else will satisfy.

I preached Friday night to a couple hundred young people. It was so awesome to see the Holy Spirit touch some of them in powerful ways. Saturday I got to hang out at the beach with some of the leaders. Saturday night was their prayer watch from 8-10pm. This was the highlight of the weekend. This was one of those intercession sets that Heaven just broke in on. I was weeping throughout the night. The Holy Spirit was just striking our hearts with love for Jesus and a painful cry for more love for Him, all the while feeling His love for us.

Sunday the Easter service was awesome. A homeless couple that the church has taken under it's wings these last few months got married. A heartbreaking story of two people who had some bad breaks in life and were left with nothing and no hope. They came to the church food pantry a few months ago. Since that time they have been serving in that ministry, even while still homeless. They not only got married that morning, displaying God's resurrection power over broken lives. But the church gave them a car, and a place to live, with no bills for the next 6 months. The ushers were handing out a lot of tissue in this service. The goal of the church is to do this for 4 homeless families this year and 50 families a year by 2012. The people are discipled and led through deliverance, counseling and financial planning, etc. THIS IS TRUE RELIGION.

Sunday night we stayed up late fellowshipping. Eating sushi made in "Omy-daHomie's Kitchen."
And we all watched Napoleon Dynomite together. It was great to laugh together and get to know all those young people in O-town. We also played the Holy Spirit games taught at Morningstar and Bethel.

Monday for brunch we went to a really cool vegan tea house, called Totally organic teas and coffees and foods. And I got to ride in Edwin's (building up THE House) Scion. Sweet ride Edwin!!

And I wanna shout out to PG. Thanks for all the love and the opportunity to hang with all of you! But not just hang but to provoke each other to press on way harder than we ever have before, not in striving but into "Knowing the Love of Christ." PG we are gonna go Deep Sea Fishing on the boat Sea Spirit (that was the name of the boat on the brochure...seeing in the spirit).

O-Town, I love you guys and gals, and will be praying for Christ to be formed in you. Until next time, Shalom!

Here is my quote for all of you in Orlando, KC, Ft. Mill and around the globe who are "wasting" your life praying and sitting at His feet:

The disciples once asked Jesus, "To what purpose is this waste?" They were referring to the woman who smashed the expensive alabaster box, and Jesus told them not to bother her for she had done a good work. It was the only time in the gospels that Jesus ever acknowledged anything done by man as being a good work. Her work was not only good, but wheresoever the gospel was going to be proclaimed in the world, that which the woman had done would be spoken of as a memorial to her. It was an extravagant acknowledgment of the uniqueness of what she had performed. Yet the very same act in the sight of the disciples moved them to indignation at the waste.


amanda carattini said...

Hey this is amanda from REMNANT youth group, and I remember you preaching. You have an awsome fire that no one can blow off im glad you came it was an awsome service and the power of God just moved in so many ways in my heart and in other. i would really like to talk.
my email is yes with only one R =]

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