Tuesday, June 17, 2008

One of the modern day prophets of Baal

Lou Engle prophesied to this man and his entourage at a church in SF back in 2004. Lou told this man that as a ruler he was accountable to God and would have to answer for choices that he made for the people. In other words, "rule in the fear of God."
It was not long after that Mayor Gavin Newsome pushed the envelope and took the law into his own hands and began allowing same-sex marriages. It was struck down for awhile, but now has come to fruition. This man is one of the main prophets of Baal in the land.
We must pray for his repentance or removal!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see you posting more bro. You have long been my main source of things happening in the governmental arena in this nation. Repentance or removal? We shall see what happens in the heart of this man as prayers are pummeled upon this situation. His heart response to the work of the Spirit from the result of prayer will decide his fate...