Sunday, December 17, 2006

Have you been on my blog and asked yourself at least two questions? One, "Will Todd's blog survive?", and the other question, "What are jujubees?"

On the first question, no one really knows the answer to that question. But I have some info for you on the second question...

Jujubes (popular pronunciation is: joo joo bees), these little chewy delights are dear friends of mine. Those who love them as much as me (heather in Orlando) know the truth, these little pellets have super powers. I could prove it but I choose not to at this time, but yes jujubes release super powers, especially the purple ones. Until we are in our resurrected bodies and get the revelation that we need to walk in what is already ours, these help. I haven't been able to walk through walls yet, but I am getting closer. So whenever you see bruises or bumps on my forehead don't worry about it too much.

Jujubes, the world's first super-powered food! Even those who are opposed to this knowledge and say that they don't like them end up eating them by the box. You all know it's true and you know who you are!


Unknown said...

i agree with you about the super powers, but...maybe you should warn your readers about the mild panic inflicted by jujubees when the consumer realizes that they are all stuck in his teeth and he cannot remove them.

Todd said...

I think it's written in fine print on the photo of the box of jujubes somewhere, I think...