Thursday, March 8, 2007

I'm back in the game

Well folks the surgery was a great success! (Cheers, rahs, hurrahs, the crowd goes wild!!) To get to the part I needed to replace I had to COMPLETELY disassemble the laptop. It was it like 20 pieces on my table.

Notice the red LIFE tape which is the duct tape of choice for anybody who has been in the Cause. Here is the part that was broken, the "dc jack." Notice the big chunk out of the one on the left:

Here is what it all came down to the "mother" of all computer parts. (that's the motherboard for all the non-techies.)

"getting down to the nitty gritty!"

For anesthetic I used shots of compressed air and Ruth Fazal cd's, it did the trick. At first I had a few mouse problems, but that was a quick fix and everything is good to go. Not bad for never soldering anything before in my life. The pros would of charged about 300 bones for that job. Maybe I will buy some junkers on ebay and give them new life and get them into the hands of ihoppers who need laptops and just maybe the practise will come in handy in the end times. Nevertheless, Jack Bauer would be proud! (that one is for you Lee)


Anonymous said...

Ha ha, that's awesome dude.

Chuck Scott said...

I remember the first time you contemplated that surgery. I am glad that you did it and that it was a success. You may have opened up a whole new support raising avenue.

Dr Todd, paging Dr Todd..

javamamma said...

Dude, you really are Mitch jr. Ebay!?!?!
Funny thing - Mitch is having possibly similar issues with his laptop. Do you make house calls?

Todd said...

javamamma, I'll use any excuse I can find to come hang out with you guys.

Anonymous said...

congrats on successful surgery!

Anonymous said...

yo dude, switch to wordpress, you can import your blogspot archives!

Todd said...

I have one I just haven't switched yet. Also we need to get together about the gmail stuff. Let's have a techie get together (with grub of course).

Lora said...

Awesome job Todd!!! Can I be one of the first on that list???? :)