Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Heavens declare the Glory of God!

40 years are over! Jerusalem came under Jewish control on June 7, 1967!! These clouds were not just from the worship, this was a Holy moment in His-story with mankind!
It's time to cross over...
to "Break on through to the other side!"

(click on picture for more)

Did you see the heavens speaking to us tonight? It began at 5:30. You could see what looked like a portal coming down before the service. I had to leave the service right when the glory of God was coming into the service (when David Brymer began his chorus).

When I walked outside the picture above is what I saw. Click on the photo above to see more of the glory shots.
I was struck by Psalm 19 verse 1 (hence the title) and I was specifically feeling verse 5.
"...He set a tabernacle for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber."

Now I know that this is speaking of a bridegroom after consummation of the marriage, but I felt like the sun rays were declaring Jesus is coming out of His chamber (the Father's bosom) after 2000 years! And after I had wrote that down a little boy was standing outside the coffee shop and gazing at the "portal looking" clouds. He said "Look Jesus is coming!" That's enough for me.

Also the song from heaven that David was singing went like this...
Who is this coming?
The King of Glory!


javamamma said...

Very cool! We didn't see any portals from the airplane but I just LOVE looking out on all of God's amazing creation. Thanks for posting these!

reallyniceday said...

OK Todd. you are totally Forrest Gump! Not in a dorky way but the fact that you turn up in movies, the right place at the right time.

You're newest picture is on the watch the prayer room live site. Wasupwitdat?

reallyniceday said...

Todd said...

Thanks Kari, I didn't see myself on that screen until you pointed it out. I am also in the STI Mini-Magazine.

Thanks for letting me know where I am :)