Sunday, May 27, 2007

Titans vs. Giants

Global Gatherings on 7/7/7.

I am borrowing this from Matt Lockett's blog (thanks Matt). While we gather at Titans Stadium in Nashville to fast, pray, mourn and cry out to God in humble acknowledgement of our turning from Him and His ways and asking for mercy. Al Gore (meeting at Giants stadium above right) and others will be gathering at various cities around the globe. What are they gonna be doing? SOS (Save Our Selves), ya that's right they are gonna fix all the problems on the planet on their own, apart from God. (I wonder how many churches will join with them? Keep an eye on website for details)

Christianity vs. Humanism, this is the real name of the battle.

  1. A system of thought that rejects religious beliefs and centers on humans and their values, capacities, and worth.
  2. Precurser to Antichrist's one world religion.

1. A belief that Jesus is the Messiah and through belief in Him (relationship) we can become redeemed from our sinful (human) condition.
2. Acts 3:19-21 "Since the foundation of the world, God's purpose has been to bring all things into harmony with Him, giving mankind an exhilarating and refreshing respite from the fearful and depressing heaviness of living in a sin—laden world. " (commentary on verses)

Istanbul, Turkey
I find it quite interesting that Istanbul, Turkey was chosen as one of the cities. This city has not been a key city on the earth for centuries, until now. Something shifted in Turkey when three of our Christian brothers were brutally martyred earlier this month. Keep your eyes on Turkey, specifically Istanbul and pray for a move of the Holy Spirit in that nation. Want to know more about Turkey's end-time significance: read Joel's Trumpet

The times they are a changin'
as a man named Bob once sang. Truly the times and seasons changed this spring. The times and seasons are in a massive transition right now as we speak.

People get ready, Jesus is coming!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

This is eerie!


At our prayer room team debrief we talked about dreams. Which lead to end-times that many on the team have had. Which lead to a dream someone had about an earthquake in Missouri.

At a recent staff meeting a word was released (from a dream) about great trouble coming to Missouri. Trouble coming like Missourians have never known. Then she said "I don't know if it is an earthquake or what." She wasn't implying or prophesying that it was gonna be an earthquake at all. But I have found that many times under that kind of prophetic spirit that even our guesses are prophesying. And I left the meeting that day feeling like it was going to be an earthquake.

Now back to the dream in our de-brief. It was an earthquake by St. Louis and it the dream the people were in a house (I assume in KC, because they are all living in KC). And the house they were in went up in the air and so did they. First they felt a little shake, and one person said, "Here comes a big earthquake," and then they could feel major rolling or land movement, however you want to word it. They were unharmed, but were violently moved around.

This is long but it is quotes I took from various websites relating to the New Madrid Fault line. YOU MUST READ THESE:

Among them are three earthquakes that occurred in 1811 and 1812 near New Madrid, MO. They are among the Great earthquakes of known history, affecting the topography more than any other earthquake on the North American continent. Judging from their effects, they were of a magnitude of 8.0 or higher on the Richter Scale. They were felt over the entire United States outside of the Pacific coast. Large areas sank into the earth, new lakes were formed, the course of the Mississippi River was changed, and forests were destroyed over an area of 150,000 acres. Many houses at New Madrid were thrown down. "Houses, gardens, and fields were swallowed up" one source notes. But fatalities and damage were low, because the area was sparsely settled then. The probability for an earthquake of magnitude 6.0 or greater is significant in the near future, with a 50% chance by the year 2000 and a 90% chance by the year 2040. A quake with a magnitude equal to that of the 1811- 1812 quakes could result in great loss of life and property damage in the billions of dollars. Scientists believe we could be overdue for a large earthquake and through research and public awareness may be able to prevent such losses. Los Angeles can expect to be mightily damaged by movement on the San Andreas Fault, or the Newport-Inglewood or other neighboring faults, most probably within the next 25 years. But the Eastern and Midwestern states also face ground shaking of colossal proportions, repetitions of such known upheavals as the 1886 Charleston, S.C., quake, the 1755 Boston quake, and the Jamaica Bay quake hundreds of years ago on New York's Long Island. The granddaddy of them all was the 1811-1812 series of three great quakes on the New Madrid Fault (halfway between St. Louis and Memphis beneath the Mississippi), which shook the entire United States. The next time the New Madrid Fault produces such a quake, it is estimated 60 percent of Memphis will be devastated, leaving $50 Billion in damage and thousands of dead in its wake. Memphis, you see - like Armenia - has looked down the barrel of a loaded seismic gun for decades, but has done virtually nothing to move out of the crosshairs. If you look at all the hazards we face in this country, this one would rewrite the definition of 'catastrophic,'" said Jim Wilkinson, head of the Central United States Earthquake Consortium in Memphis, Tenn. "Everything comes through this region. If we go down, it's not just a regional issue — it's a national problem."

You won't believe this next part. They are doing a mock earthquake drill around St. Louis (New Madrid,MO) on June 19, 2007.

Here is a piece of that article:

7.7 — 'a big one'

...and it is in the center of the page just like I put it here!!

JOEL 2:10-The earth quakes BEFORE them...
JOEL 2:11-The LORD gives voice BEFORE (earthquakes before the army comes, before greater troubles) His army,
For His camp is very great;
For strong is the One who executes His word.
For the day of the LORD is great and very terrible;

Who can endure it? (out of the Father's mouth)

May this blogpost truly be fuel and strength to truly walk out what God is calling us to in Joel 2, and not just in Nashville, but right now.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Thanks for the Prayers!

Thanks for all the prayers everybody!

My mom did get out of the hospital and is home recovering. All the tests came back negative concerning the MRSA infection. It turned out to be staff infection. Thank you Jesus! My brother's surgery went well also and he is home. My mom should be able to get a new hip put in within a few weeks. Then it will be two more months of recovery. My mom is in good spirits despite it all.

After spending a lot of time with family and helping around the house I arrived back in KC on Saturday night.

*my mom's life is not in danger and she is much closer to getting a new hip and finishing this ordeal that really has interrupted her life for 2 years.

*Going to one of my favorite places on earth to talk to God. The Sandhills of Nebraska. I had to drive about 10 miles north of my hometown each night to get to my spot, and what a spot it is. The sky is a canopy of stars. I mean a thick canopy. There are no major cities for hundreds of miles so there is no "light pollution" at all. It was difficult to leave each morning, to leave the stars and my Heavenly Father. As always He threw a few stars around the sky for my viewing pleasure.

*Seeing my 8 year old nephew Riley's two baseball games and playing catch with him and his sisters.

*Praying with my Pastor for healing for my mom and praying with my good friend Bruce for the same thing.

*Seeing my brothers and dad.

*Seeing some key prophetic dreams about my family come into play and show me that God is truly at work in their lives.

*Leaving ihop with many friends praying for my mom and family--PRICELESS!
*Coming home to ihop!!

Thanks again for standing with me on behalf of my mom and family!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My mom is recovering

Here is the update on my mom's situation. She was brought to the emergency room last Tuesday night. I drove from KC to North Platte, NE on Wed. She has had test after test since then. And her condition has went from possibly life threatening to stable.

She has been fighting an infection callled MRSA. This infection has nearly taken her life twice in the last year and a half. She had emergency open heart surgery in January 06 because the infection destroyed her heart valve. Then this January it showed up in her right hip area. Apparently the artificial hip had been the root of the infection. So in January of 07 they removed her hip and then have been giving her strong antibiotics to get rid of the infection completely so they can put in another new hip. But they have to be sure there is no remaining infection.

Basically she has been without a hip since January, ya four months of difficult living. We were all hoping that she was close to getting the OK and able to get the new hip. But last Tuesday she had been feeling the symptons she had felt the last two times the infection flared up. So they rushed her to the hospital. They are searching for the infection by running various tests. But she is feeling a lot better and things are looking very hopeful. She should come home on Monday.

My brother that has been taking care of her is having a surgery on Tuesday and will be recovering for a few weeks. So I will probably be in Nebraska for a few weeks. It looks like staying until the end of May might be the best. That would put me back in the house of prayer right when the 40 day fast begins to prepare us for 7/7/7.

That's a quick update for now...

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Trip to Jerusalem for Todd??

Friends and family,

I am sending this email out on short notice. A couple days ago a friend here at ihop asked me to go with him to Jerusalem in June. He was going with another friend who was not able to go, so at the last minute he has asked me. We will be attending and interceding at the One Thing Jerusalem (click on link and scroll down) on June 29th-July 1st. One Thing is a gathering of young people in different cities and regions of the world to worship, fast and pray based on Psalm 27:4. We both have a heart to see Jews come to know their Messiah Yeshua. Then we will go on a five day tour of Israel (click on link and scroll down).

The total cost of the trip will be around $2400 plus spending money. We will fly out of KC on June 26 th (my birthday) and fly into Nashville on July 6th to be at The Call Nashville on 7/7/7. This would be a dream come true and a great birthday gift from the Lord and some of you!

To be able to go I would need $1600 committed by Monday, May 7th and sent soon after. The remaining $800 for hotel, food, tour, etc. would need to be in within the next two weeks.

I am sending this email as a feeler to see if it is the Lord's will. So if the Lord moves upon your heart to sow into me for this trip please respond ASAP by emailing me: or calling me at 308.520.4738 by Monday (May 7th) afternoon.

Thank you for your past, present and future belief in me and support and prayer for me!

John 15:9,
Todd Loughry